Do you know about...EWG?


The Environmental Working Group (or more commonly known as EWG) is a non profit organization in America that specializes in research and advocacy in many areas including agricultural subsidies, toxic chemicals, drinking water pollutants, skincare products, and corporate accountability to name a few. EWG is a nonprofit organization and was founded in 1993.

One of the resources that I utilize most often from EWG is their cosmetic and food database which covers a broad spectrum of ratings with indexes and scores based on EWG’s views of their ingredients from sunscreens, cosmetics, food, and their own section of EWG verified products. In short, they rate their products by their toxicity levels. EWG is a great ( and free ) tool to know about and use when considering purchasing items for yourself or your family. I’ve know about this organization for many years now (pre-mama) and it’s helped me from purchasing items that have had more chemicals that I’d prefer to put in/on my body. Knowledge is power my friends!

“If you can’t pronounce it…denounce it”

We should all think twice about what products we apply in our homes or on our bodies…little by little it all adds up. When I think of the practice of mindfullness…I believe it should expand through all the aspects of your life. Mindfullness on what you buy and what you put in or on your “temple” is important and should not be forgotten.

*Very important to note: I’ve been on this journey of living as non-toxic as possible for many years now and I am not perfect. I am always learning something new — it’s a process. Don’t be hard on yourself. You don’t need to immediately throw everything out (unless you want to) you can wait until that bottle of shampoo is empty and then try something new and with less chemicals the next time. Once you start opening your eyes to how much crap can be in the products we use daily — it will start becoming empowering to live without them. It is possible friends!

Chemicals and human health

“Dirty Dozen” + “Clean 15”

EWG offers a great resource for beginners who want to know more about how to go about what produce to buy organic or not. Well known to many as the “Dirty Dozen” and the “Clean 15”. Both are wonderful to know about and refer to. Although, many would say that there are more than just a dozen “dirty” produce items that you should avoid buying conventional, (the more organic produce the better) I still believe this is a great resource for those who are new to buying organic foods.


Water quality reports

xo, MV


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